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The Conference Planning Committee is seeking high-quality abstracts describing original, unpublished* research results. Abstract submissions must contain a statement of hypothesis, an explanation of methods, and a report of data that test the hypothesis and a brief discussion of the implications of the obtained results. Studies should present original results that will advance the field. Abstracts should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

Abstract acceptance or non-acceptance decision notices will be distributed to abstract lead authors by December 1, 2024. Following the release of the notifications, more information will be provided to submit your electronic poster.

Submit an Abstract

2025 CCOI Virtual Conference registration is required to submit an abstract.

Submissions are limited to 1 abstract per person as lead author. Co-authors may be included on multiple submissions. There is a limit of 6 authors per submission.

All accepted and uploaded electronic posters will be available for viewing on demand during the breaks of the conference, and available for viewing on the CCOI website post-meeting. Questions from attendees will be submitted electronically to the lead author’s email. Note: there will be no real-time virtual presentation of electronic posters.

*Abstracts must be work that has not been accepted for formal publication or to a preprint server before the abstract is submitted.

General Information

There is no abstract submission fee. Registration to the 2025 CCOI Virtual Conference is required.
Generative AI, Cornea & Cataract; Education; Foundational Principles of Artificial Intelligence (FPOAI); Fundus / Retina; Glaucoma; Imaging Standards and Interoperability; Low-Middle-Income Countries (LMIC); Myopia; Ocular Oncology; Oculomics, Orbit & Neuro-Ophthalmology; Pediatrics; Protected Identifiable Information / Protected Health Information (PII / PHI); Vision Restoration and Rehabilitation; Vision Assessment and Outcome Measures.
This depends on your browser. For most browsers, you may copy and paste your full title and abstract into the appropriate fields in the abstract system from an MS Word document, and the special characters will be preserved in the abstract system. However, if there is hidden coding embedded in the document you are copying from, the special characters may be replaced with a question mark or other symbols when the abstract is loaded into the Abstract Submission System. Be sure to review the summary page of your abstract submission in the system and check the special characters to make sure they are intact.
If you have any conflicts of interest that you need to disclose, please indicate them in the author step. If your abstract is accepted, you must include those conflicts on the disclosure on your poster.
Poster Sessions and their corresponding time blocks will be determined by the Conference Organizers.

Key dates for the 2025 Abstracts

Dec. 1 Abstract submission deadline
Dec. 1 Deadline to register for the conference
Dec. 16 CCOI to send notifications of acceptance/decline to first authors
Jan. 8 Deadline to upload electronic posters
 Dec. 1
 Abstract submission deadline
 Dec. 1
 Deadline to register for the conference
 Dec. 16  CCOI to send notifications of acceptance/decline to first authors
 Jan. 8
 Deadline to upload electronic posters

Abstract Structure

Please read the following instructions carefully before completing the submission:

Title (limited to 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
The title should not be formulated as a question or statement (i.e., should not include a verb). Titles should follow title case rules and may be edited by CCOI editorial staff. Please use title case when completing the submission. The title should accurately and concisely reflect the submission content.

Choose from the following categories: Generative AI, Patient Generated Data, 4D Imaging, or Alternative Data Streams;  Regulating AI/ Ethics / Equity; Data Harmonization/ Interoperability/ Integration; Surgery and AI; Foundational Principles of Ophthalmic Imaging; Glaucoma; Retinal and Macular Diseases; Ocular Imaging/PII/PHI; Ocular Oncology; and Retinopathy of Prematurity.

Purpose (Limited to 350 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Indicate the question that the study answers or the hypothesis it tests. Do not include names or affiliations of authors. Do not include sponsorships, grants, etc.

Methods (Limited to 700 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Describe the study design, indicating randomization, masking, and whether the data collection was retrospective or prospective, if applicable. Identify the patients, including selection procedures, inclusion criteria, and numbers. Indicate the intervention procedures and the outcome measures.

Results (Limited to 700 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
Present the outcomes and measurements. Data should include the level of statistical significance.

Conclusion (Limited to 350 characters, including spaces and punctuation)
State the conclusion and clinical pertinence.

  • Proofread the abstract carefully. It will appear exactly as submitted.
  • Do not submit the abstract if the material has been presented or published elsewhere.

Please ensure you have listed all contributing authors on the abstract. Co-authors who are not listed on the abstract submission cannot be acknowledged within the presentation. There is a limit of 6 authors per submission.

Electronic Format of Accepted Posters

  • Electronic posters must be uploaded as PDF or PowerPoint files (.PPT or .PPTX, only). Maximum of 12 slides (file size of 50 MB)
  • Any combination of slides with images, tables, and text accepted
  • Videos and/or animation cannot be embedded
  • An additional file upload containing supporting multimedia file is available (Limit: 1 file; 50 MB max)
  • File should not be password protected
  • Title slide must include any conflict of interest to disclose, for all authors listed on the abstract